Monday, July 14, 2014


The Goof Off woke up in the morning to look at the clock.  Midnight appeared to be so far away when it was morning.  Just kick back and relax.  Midnight is too far away to matter.  So The Goof Off did exactly that.  The Goof Off kicked back and relaxed.  Then morning turned to afternoon.  Afternoon was closer to midnight, but midnight was still far off to matter.  Just kick back and relax.  And that's what The Goof Off did. The Goof Off kicked back and relaxed.  Then Afternoon turned to Evening.  Then The Goof Off realized that evening was only a small hours away from midnight.  Then The Goof Off realized that he waited too long.  Midnight was only a few hours away and The Goof Off hasn't even started yet.  Too late to get started.  The Goof Off spent too much time goofing off with overconfidence that he never got started and now with midnight only seconds away it's discovered that he blew it as time surpassed him.  Never get so overconfident that you never bother to get anything started because time moves faster than you expect.
And as I'm lost in thought as the clock moves closer to midnight, here are some photos of Michelle Trachtenberg.

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