Saturday, July 19, 2014


I was sitting on a bench looking at the street after the rain fell. Somebody approached me to have a conversation.
DUDE: I'm trying to find somebody.
ME: Who are you trying to find?
DUDE: Somebody who is too different looking to be found.
ME: You're not being specific enough. How is this person too different looking to be found?
DUDE: I don't know. He looks different. He's the most different looking person anybody has ever known. And despite having obsessive compulsive tendencies, the Man Who Was Too Different Looking to be Found was never located. You would've figured that somebody who was intelligent, obsessive compulsive and looked like that would be easy to find. But not even the FBI can track The Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found.
ME: What do you intend to do when you find the Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found? Will you celebrate his existence with reward and praise? Will you punish him for horrible unspecified crimes? You're still not specific enough.
DUDE: I don't know. The Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found needs to be located. It will be one hell of a party when the Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found is found. It will be one hell of an eventful party that nobody will forget. To bad everybody keeps forgetting the physical appearance of the Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found. I'm telling you that the Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found has become an urban legend.
ME: I never found the Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found. But I'll let you know when I manage to find whoever it is your looking for.
DUDE: That would be much appreciated. Thanks. Do you know where they sell marijuana?
ME: The nearest Marijuana Store is in Colorado and we're in Columbus, Ohio. Marijuana is illegal in Columbus, Ohio.
DUDE: Oh man, that sucks. Oh well, I'm off to find the Man Who is Too Different Looking To Be Found. Wish me luck.
ME: Good luck.
The Dude walked off and vanished into the distance.
And as I'm lost in thought while sitting on a bench, looking at the street and watching life moving about in the City of Columbus, Ohio, here are some photos of Kaley Cuoco.


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