Sunday, July 20, 2014


Sunday morning is here.  I always knew it was at least seven days away all the way back on Monday and now that moment has returned.  And on this Sunday, let's make it through the day without any fighting.  Let's make it through the day without any riots, wars, revolutions, civil wars and assorted other nastiness.  Let's make it through the day without strife, anger or bigotry.  Instead, let's spend Sunday morning appreciating each other as equals.  Instead, let's spend Sunday morning without the need to seek revenge.  Instead, let's spend Sunday morning making peace instead of waging war.  Trust me when I say the Gentle Reader will feel better when offering the olive branch instead of a bullet.  And trust me when I say that the world will be better off too.
And as I'm lost in thought when Sunday morning has returned yet again, here are some photos of Hispanic-American beauty Selena Gomez.

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