Friday, July 11, 2014


Friday has returned.  Yesterday was Thursday.  Tomorrow is Saturday.  But let's focus on today and worry about tomorrow later.  Today is Friday and that's the important thing.  It's a warm Summer day.  The sky is blue and I could hear birds chirping in the background.  Just checking on my e-mail after waking up before I start the day.  It will be fun to see what today shall bring.  Not much going on in my life beyond waking up and working minimum wage.  I read somewhere that the 1990's was a decade where people celebrated the lack of any major wars by losing their mind and having fun with lots of parties.  Funny.  I was an adult for the entire 1990's decade and I never enjoyed the decadent party lifestyle.  None of my minimum wage employment coworkers at the time enjoyed the decadent party lifestyle.  I'm not sure who the person who dubbed the 1990's the fun decadent partytime decade was talking to, but whoever those people are never lived in the state of Ohio.  Folks in Ohio took the 1990's decade seriously.
And as I'm lost in thought while surfing the Internet while lacking any skills in actual surfing (Across water), here are some photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

Jennifer Lawrence and Ellen Degeneres
 Emma Watson

 Jennifer Lawrence

 Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson

 Emma Watson told Jennifer Lawrence that the Harry Potter films is better than the Hunger Games films.  Jennifer Lawrence told Emma Watson that the Hunger Games films is better than the Harry Potter films.  Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson ended up having a disagreement which causes some pushing and shoving between the two girls---Mostly afflicted by Jennifer Lawrence against Emma Watson. 

It looks as if Jennifer Lawrence delivered a knockout blow against Emma Watson who lost the pushing and shoving match to be down for the count.

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