Monday, August 25, 2014


If a strategy that would fix the situation were to fail, then what happens.  Keep repeating the strategy that would fix the situation without any changes.  Repeat the strategy that would fix the situation with minor changes.  Repeat the strategy that would fix the situation with significant changes.  If the strategy that would fix the situation is much too vague, then the strategy that would fix the situation needs to be easier to understand.  What is the situation that needs to be fixed?  When was the last time the situation worked properly?  When did the situation break down.  Why is it so hard to fix the situation?  Why is the strategy that were to fix the situation always failing?  It is possible to fix the situation if the right strategy is used.  Never give up.  Keep trying to find the solution to the problem why the strategy to fix the situation keeps breaking down.  They are depending on you.  They need you to fix the situation because of that.  That is crucial for this to happen.  And it's necessary for this to happen for them.  So you can see that they can't be allowed to be disappointed.  We need to go there and this date to talk to them why the strategy to fix the situation keeps breaking down.  We can only go there using this method.  Always remember that all problems can be solved.  You only need to use the right method to solve the problem.
And as I'm lost in thought as the gentle breeze floats through the window, here are some photos of Margaret Denise Quigley aka Maggie Q.  Maggie Q was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii to an Irish/Polish descended father and a Vietnamese Immigrant mother. 

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