Wednesday, August 27, 2014


The Farmville video game makes it so easy.  Just point the cursor and a full grown tree appears from thin air.  Farmville makes gardening and tree planting so easy and effortless.  Sadly however, planting a tree is never that easy.  First, a hole must be dug.  If the Gentle Reader plants a seed, then there is the long wait for the seed to burst out of the soil.  Of course, the Gentle Reader could go to a garden supply store and purchase a fully grown baby tree to be planted into the ground.  Then the wait for the baby tree to grow into an adult tree could take years.  It could take decades.  It could take centuries.  Heck, five centuries could pass before the baby tree turns into an adult.  The beauty of trees is that the possible immortality of such a thing---Assuming it doesn't get chopped down or get cut down by disease.  The tree you plant will outlive the Gentle Reader and a large majority of the Gentle Reader's descendants---Assuming the conditions work for the benefit of the tree. 
And as I'm lost in thought about the beautiful majesty of trees, here are some photos of Nikki Reed and Jamie Chung.

 Nikki Reed

 Jamie Chung

Jessica Szohr, Hannah Bronfman, Jamie Chung and Abigail Breslin

Co-founder of Birchbox  Katia Beauchamp, Jamie Chung, Jessica Szohr, Co-founder of Birchbox Hayley Barna and Hannah Bronfman
 Jessica Szohr, Abigail Breslin Hannah Bronfman and Jamie Chung

 Jessica Szohr, Co-founder of Birchbox  Katia Beauchamp and Jamie Chung

 Jamie Chung and Jessica Szohr

 Jessica Szohr and Jamie Chung
 Jamie Chung and Jessica Szohr
  Jessica Szohr and Jamie Chung
  Jessica Szohr

 Jamie Chung

 Co-founder of Birchbox  Katia Beauchamp and Jamie Chung

 Hannah Bronfman

 Hannah Bronfman and Julie Henderson

 Julie Henderson

Abigail Breslin

Carmindy Kathryn Bowyer and Abigail Breslin

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