Friday, September 5, 2014


And yes Gentle Reader, it's true.  I've seen the most beautiful woman from afar.  I rarely interacted with the most beautiful woman in the world directly.  I only interacted with the most beautiful woman in the world from the shadows.  And yes, there are some barriers in the way that I'm not able to cross.  So I wait.  So I watch.  So I observe.  So I write this down.  Perhaps I'll get the chance to interact more directly.  I would if the chance were given to me.  I would never hesitate.  Yet the barriers are too high.  So I wait for me chance with the patience that I've gotten very good at utilizing.  Yes, the most beautiful woman in the world is here.  I've seen her.  She's real.  And someday I'll get the chance to speak to her.  Am I waiting too long?  I don't know.  My voice is always strangely devoid of words whenever I'm directly looking straight at her.  I got a huge speech rehearsed in my mind, but I never get to speak in when I'm looking straight at her.  That's ok.  There is always tomorrow for me to speak my first ever sentence to the most beautiful woman in the world as I look directly at her from the distance.
And as I'm lost in thought on a warm and relaxing day, here are some photos of Gwyneth Paltrow.

Stella McCartney and Gwyneth Paltrow

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