Monday, October 13, 2014


This isn't the end of the story.  I'm sorry if I gave the false impression that it was the end of the story.  The truth is that the Gentle Reader and I isn't even close to the end of the story.  Actually, it's much closer to the start of the story.  I've been stuck at the start of the story almost my whole entire life.  I've been waiting for the second chapter to unfold.  Instead, I get the first ten minutes of the second chapter before being told that I'm all out of time and I need to return to the start of the story again.  So the second chapter of the story continues to be elusive.  I'm a patient man.  I'm willing to wait a few minutes longer if necessary.
And as I'm lost in thought as the rest of 2014 unfold directly towards the year 2015, here are some photos of Bethany Mota.

 Bethany Mota and Derek Hough

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