Friday, October 17, 2014


Lea Michele was the first to step outside Le Pain Quotidien Restaurant.  She ordered coffee to go and she casually sipped her beverage as she emerged to greet the cool and crisp Autumn weather.  Lea was both calm and confident as she emerged from the restaurant to greet the world outside.
 Lea stopped outside Le Pain Quotidien Restaurant for a few minutes as she waited.  It only took a few minutes for the other person to arrive.  It was the arrival that everybody was waiting for.
 Lea Michele was relieved when Becca Tobin emerged from Le Pain Quotidien Restaurant.  It took Becca longer than expected to emerge and Lea was concerned that something horrible had happened.  Thankfully, no such thing had occurred.
 Lea said, "We need to investigate.  Groundhog Man may be lame and insignificant, but we owe it to ourselves to check it out anyway."
Becca replied, "I'm much more blissful about my ignorance about Groundhog Man.  You should feel the same too."
 Lea replied, "You know I'm never the type of girl to enjoy ignorance.  I need to know what Groundhog Man is up to.  He'll need to be stopped if he had gone too far."
Becca replied, "There is no way I could talk you out of this?"
Lea replied, "There is no way you could talk me out of this."
 Lea continued, "You can either join me or you can sit by the sidelines and watch."
Becca replied with a frustrated groan, "Fine, count on me.  I'll help you check out what sick and diseased plan Groundhog Man is up to."
 And so Becca Tobin and Lea Michele went to the apartment they were sharing for a change of clothing.  And the two girls waited for the sun to set before they can set their plan against their enemy known only as Groundhog Man into motion.
 Becca Tobin and Lea Michele snuck into Groundhog Man's residence to check around.  There was a sound behind the two girls. 
Lea asked, "What was that?"
Becca said, "Don't ask me.  I'm the one checking the files.  You're the one holding the flashlight.  You're the one who's standing closest to the sound.  You check it out."
Lea said, "The plan to check out Groundhog Man's residence was my idea.  You should be the girl to check out the noise."
Becca said, "Oh no, this crazy plan was your idea.  You check out the noise."
And the plan the two girls came up with was...
This story will be continued tomorrow....

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