Thursday, November 13, 2014


Normally, she'd be on the stage before a sell out crowd at Madison Square Garden.  But today, Taylor Swift is just another spectator.  And here she is with some of her closest friends.  Kate Upton, Amanda Seyfried, Justin Long, Taylor Swift and Britany Maack were watching the New York Knicks play a game of basketball against the Orlando Magic.  And oh what an exciting game of professional basketball it was.
 Justin Long needed to step away from the front row of the basketball court to grab some refreshments.  So it was just only Kate Upton, Amanda Seyfried, Taylor Swift and Britany Maack for a while.
 It was taking Justin Long far too long to grab the refreshments so Amanda Seyfried and Britany Maack stepped away from the front row of the basketball court to help him grab the refreshments.  So it was just Kate Upton and Taylor Swift for a while.

Britany Maack returned with the bad news that Justin Long and Amanda Seyfried vanished without the refreshments and she couldn't find either of them anywhere.  So Kate Upton set upon the task to find both Justin Long and Amanda Seyfried.  That left both Taylor Swift and Britany Maack to enjoy the basketball game together.

 Kate Upton has been gone for a long time.  A bit too long.  Taylor Swift and Britany Maack set upon the task to find Kate Upton, Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long. 
Only Justin Long returned to the front row of the basketball court.  Taylor Swift and Britany Maack vanished without a trace.  Kate Upton, Amanda Seyfried, Taylor Swift and Britany Maack were never seen or heard from ever again.  It was a mystery that never ever got solved.

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