Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I won't lie to you Gentle Reader, Election Day 2014 was painful to look at for a Liberal such as myself. I should've known that the Conservatives would retain the House of Representatives and take control of the Senate the way the ABC Evening News kept hammering about how President Barack Obama's approval rating taking an all time low. Still, I kept waiting for a last second miracle which would help the Democratic Party Liberals retain control of the Senate. No such luck. What is done has been done. All that's left for Democratic Party Liberals like me is to look forward towards the next Election Day when it becomes possible to reclaim control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate from those gosh darn Conservative Republicans. Then life will return back to normal again.
And as I'm lost in thought a day after Election Day, here are some photos of Scarlett Johansson.

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