Saturday, December 6, 2014


And so begins the early days of Winter.  Gone is the Summer and it has been replaced by the Winter.  A new season has begun and with it the end of the year 2014 draws near.  The year 2015 is less than a month away.  Lacking the ability to predict the future, I have no idea what the year 2015 will bring to us all.  It is my hope that the year 2015 brings plenty of good luck and good fortune to us all.  The start of a new year is a fresh start just as the end of the old year brings the opportunity to reflect on all the success and failures of the past year.  Avoiding failure can only happen if acknowledged and understood with the goal of learning from it.  And so the Gentle Reader and I anticipates the arrival of Christmas and New Years Day with enthusiasm.  May good fortune bless us all. 
And as I'm lost in thought late at night in the early days of Winter, here are some photos of Reese Witherspoon.

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