Thursday, January 15, 2015


Billy Ray Cyrus and Leticia "Tish" Cyrus has seven children.  Miley Cyrus and her brother Braison Cyrus are just two out of seven children that Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus has been raising.  And despite recording smash hit dance music albums, Miley Cyrus took pride in being just as much of a Deep South raised Redneck as her brother Braison.  The two siblings are close.  They tell each other everything without hesitation, worry or concern.
 Patrick Schwarzenegger has been going steady with Miley Cyrus.  Though Patrick's birth mother and NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver is against the union.  She's insulted by the notion that her son is ruining the Kennedy family name by dating a redneck from the Deep South.  Patrick Schwarzenegger's birth father Arnold Schwarzenegger went skiing with Patrick and Miley Cyrus where he gave his blessing to the new found romantic bliss between the Kennedy and his Redneck love from the Deep South.
 Christina Schwarzenegger is very close to her action film actor and former Conservative Republican Party Governor of California politician father Arnold Schwarzenegger.
 Christina Schwarzenegger promised her parents Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver that she'll never date any Rednecks from the Deep South and ruin the Kennedy family name in the process.  Christina is a good girl who always does what her parents tell her to do.
 Then Miley Cyrus set up her brother Braison Cyrus on a date with Patrick Schwarzenegger's sister Christina Schwarzenegger.
 Christina Schwarzenegger fell in love with Braison Cyrus instantly.  Christina Schwarzenegger found herself falling in love with the Redneck Deep South born son of Billy Ray Cyrus.

Now Maria Shriver is forced to chase two Redneck Deep South born children of Billy Ray Cyrus out of the Kennedy Compound with a shotgun while swearing up a storm instead of chasing one Redneck Deep South born child of Billy Ray Cyrus.  Time to play some Country Music in the Kennedy Compound with the Cyrus Family banjo.

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