Wednesday, April 29, 2015


It's always better to seek out activities which produces end results that you can be proud of.  If you seek out activities which produces end results that you can't be proud of, then nothing will get accomplished.  Because you're so busy avoiding being responsible for unleashing the end results that you can't be proud of, that the activity is likewise avoided.  Then the decision to perform the activity is given to somebody else.  Then you start to wonder why you lost the responsibility of performing the activity.  And it all could've been avoided if you sought out activities which you actually enjoy the end result.  And if the person you performing the activity enjoys both the end result that you enjoy and the end result that you don't enjoy, then why not seek out the end result that you actually enjoy.  There is no point to being stubborn if being stubborn could result in your undoing.  The bottom line is simple.  It's better to enjoy the task that you're undertaking.  Or at least, you should be enjoying the end result of the task that you're undertaking.
And as I'm lost in thought on a warm Spring day, here are some photos of Cameron Diaz.

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