Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Imagine if the Gentle Reader has a stack of dominos.  How many?  Let's see.  Oh, let's assume that we have one stack of three hundred dominos.  And then there's a second stack of three thousand and six hundred dominos.  Ok, three hundred times three thousand and six hundred equals three thousand and nine hundred dominos.  So we have three thousand and nine hundred dominos placed in front of each other single file.  Have you done that?  You did?  Good.  Now tip one of the dominos over.  That one domino knocks over a second domino and then a third.  Soon, all three thousand and nine hundred dominos have been knocked over.  All three thousand and nine hundred dominos have been standing upright and now all three thousand and nine hundred dominos are lying down.  You only need to knock down one domino for all three thousand and nine hundred dominos to be knocked down and lying down.  And the chain reaction is impossible to stop once it's been set into motion.  And try as they might, the other dominos standing in single file has been unable to step out of the way before they too are knocked down by the chain reaction.
And as I'm lost in thought while looking at a stack of dominos, here are some photos of Jessica Alba.

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