Friday, May 22, 2015


Oh yes, it might rain.  How long will the falling rain last though?  The rain could fall for several hours.  The rain could fall for a few minutes.  Would it be wise to bring along an umbrella?  I wonder about that.  It would look foolish to carry an umbrella if rain doesn't fall.  It would look foolish not to carry an umbrella if rain does fall.  So the question leads to uncertainty.  And if I don't bring an umbrella and rain does fall---But only for a few minutes, then I'll only be soaking wet for a few minutes.  And being soaking wet for a few minutes won't matter if there was shelter nearby.  However, being soaking wet for a few minutes will matter if there was shelter nearby.  And so the question is still out there as I notice clouds above in the sky.  It might rain here in Columbus, Ohio.  Perhaps.  The Gentle Reader will find out a few minutes from now. 
And as I'm lost in thought as rain starts to fall across the land, here are some photos of Ellie Gouilding.

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