Wednesday, May 6, 2015


And so continues the Springtime season.  There was never any doubt that Summer will eventually arrive.  However, I never thought that it would take this long for Summer to arrive.  Yeah, I always knew that the first half of Springtime actually felt more like Winter.  However, now that the calendar is getting closer to the Summertime season, the weather is getting warmer.  I may actually start to need to use the electric fan to beat the heat.  And the dandelion weeds filled the front and back lawn.  Oh yes, there were more dandelion weeds than I previously expected.  And I spent entire afternoons and portions of the morning hours pulling dandelion weeds from the lawn.  And the payoff is the chance to see the front and back lawn in perfect condition.  And all the hard work and effort that was used to pull weeds has paid off.  And so now I'm ready for the Summertime.  I'm ready to start to relax as the Summer arrives to greet you and me in the coming weeks to come.
And as I'm lost in thought as the Summer season finally becomes a reality, here are some photos of Rose McGowan.

 Bar Paly and Rose McGowan

Bar Paly

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