Sunday, June 21, 2015


Allison Williams is no longer the daughter of the head anchor for the NBC Evening News.  Allison Williams father Brian Williams was first suspended and then fired for lying about his experiences covering the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.  Brian Williams first claimed that the United States Armed Forces Chinook military helicopter was first forced down and then later recanted that claim.  It turned out the military helicopter was only forced down by a sand storm.  Brian Williams will now work as a news reporter for cable television based  MSNBC instead.  Lester Holt first was temporary anchorman for the NBC Evening News and then later the permanent anchorman for the news program.  And so Allison has to explain what she feels about her father loosing his job and then demoted for lying to all of her friends and business associates in the entertainment industry.  Yeah, it's rough.  But at least Brian Williams wasn't arrested or anything.  And someday, the rest of the world will eventually forgive Brian Williams for the Chinook helicopter incident.  And so with a brave expression on her face, Allison Williams prepares to perform as an actor for the next season of the television show Girls which continues to be her primary form of employment.
And as I'm lost in thought while drinking a cold frosty glass of Coca Cola, here are some photos of Allison Williams.

 Allison Williams and Greg Kinnear
 Allison Williams, Ann Caruso, Cristina Ehrlich and Mary Alice Stephenson
 Sheila Vance, Allison Williams and Cristina Ehrlich
 Allison Williams and Cristina Ehrlich

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