Ellie Phimister is an obscure X-Men comic book series character who goes by the colorful action costume codename of Negasonic Teenage Warhead. The fictional character first appeared in the comic book New X-Men #115 on August 2001. She was a student of Emma Frost (Sometimes an ally of the X-Men and other times the sworn enemy of the X-Men) who was born and raised in the fictional European all-mutant country of Genosha. While taking lessons from Emma Frost, she predicted her country Genosha and all sixteen million of the country's population being wiped out by X-Men sworn arch-enemy Cassandra Nova (X-Men Administration Leader Professor Charles Xavier aka Professor X's fraternal twin sister in a complex indirect sort of manner) and her Wild Sentinels robots (For those who don't read comic books, Sentinels are unmanned drone robots who look like a human being in Iron Man gear who are colored purple and are four times the size of a normal human being (Trevor Fitzroy and Doctor Bolivar Trask (An anagram of Stark which means that he might be Tony Stark aka Iron Man's brother or uncle or some other relative. (Funny thing is that Peter Dinklage plays a possible Stark Family member named Doctor Bolivar Trask in the Marvel Comics Studios film
X-Men: Days of Future Past while also playing Tyrion Lannister on the television show
Game of Thrones where his fictional character is always waging war against the Stark Family. The poor guy can't ever seem to escape from the dreaded Stark Family)) also had control over the Sentinels robots at various points of time in Marvel Comic book history)). Then Ellie Phimister suffered a stroke from having the prediction of the future (Which turned out to be true) and died right there on the spot. On occasion, she would emerge from the dead as a hallucination, but never as a flesh and blood human being. At one point of time, Ellie Phimister aka Nagasonic Teenage Warhead battled against Kittie Pryde aka Shadowcat and won the battle by an overwhelming landslide.
Anyway, Ellie Phimister aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead is coming to the big screen Summer 2016 in the Marvel Comics Studios super-hero movie
Deadpool. Ellie Phimister aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead will be played by Brianna Hildebrand. Here she is with Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson aka Deadpool.
Ok, so this is where it gets complicated. In the comic books, Ellie Phimister aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead was indirectly a member of the
The Hellions because The Hellions are Emma Frost aka the White Queen's private army of children and teenage Mutants. However, Ellie Phimister aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead is dressed in the official uniform for the New Mutants aka X-Force which is Nathan Summers aka Cable's (The biologic son of Jean Grey aka Phoenix and Scott Summer aka Cyclops) private army of children and teenage Mutants. However, the comic book version of Ellie Phimister aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead was never affiliated with Nathan Grey aka Cable. So the bottom line is that the movie version of Ellie Phimister aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead isn't a runaway from the Hellions, but rather a runaway from the New Mutants aka X-Force. This is where it really gets confusing because the comic book version of the X-Men used to dress like this before switching uniform designs (Comic book version of Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat still dresses like this).

Brianna Hildebrand when she isn't filming the movie Deadpool for the Marvel Comics film studio which will be released by 20th Century Fox instead of Disney.
Oh no, Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson aka Deadpool just got run over by a car. It's Ryan Reynold's fault. He should've gotten off the road because the car driver almost killed him.
Ed Skrein as Francis aka Ajax---The main villain in the Marvel Comics Studios film
Deadpool (Ajax first appeared in the comic book
Deadpool #14 on March 1998 (A completely different version of the same character first appeared in
the Incredible Hulk #379 on March 1991))