Thursday, July 23, 2015


And what would life be like without friendship.  And what would life be like if somebody is locked in a metal box for twenty-three hours out of twenty-four.  What would life be like to have no contact with anybody else?  To never see the bright blue sky?  To never feel the bright green grass under the toes?  It would be a terrible existence indeed.  It's far better to avoid such a fait.  Don't be afraid to make friends.  Don't be afraid to fall in love.  Even if the romance ends badly, it was better to make the attempt and fail than it is to make no effort at all.  Work within society.  Work within the law.  Contribute to society in a positive manner.  Enjoy the fine arts and never seek it's destruction if it doesn't agree with your views.  Part of existing is learning to tolerate people who isn't the same as you.  Who knows?  You might learn something new in the process.  And learning something new is always a path that's always worth taking. 
And as I'm lost in thought on a hot Summer day, here are some photos of Willa Fitzgerald.

 Amadeus Serafini and Willa Fitzgerald in the television series Scream
 John Karna, Willa Fitzgerald and Bex Taylor-Klaus in the television series Scream
Bex Taylor-Klaus, John Karna and Willa Fitzgerald in the television series Scream
 Willa Fitzgerald in the television series Scream

Connor Weil, Willa Fitzgerald, Amadeus Serafini and John Karna

 Willa Fitzgerald, John Karna and Amadeus Serafini
 Willa Fitzgerald
Connor Weil, Willa Fitzgerald, Amadeus Serafini, John Karna and Bella Thorne

 Willa Fitzgerald

Bella Thorne

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