Thursday, July 2, 2015


Relax, because today is a wonderful day.  Find joy in the fact that nothing wrong has happened today.  There is a way out in all crises situations if you know where to find it.  Salvation can even be found in the most unlikely of places.  Find fellowship with your friends.  Find solidarity with your kind and those who are not of your kind.  Because those who are not of your kind may turn out to be the closest and the best of friends.  Don't limit yourself to one way of life or one social circle.  There are an unlimited potential for glory if you know where to look for it.  What's important is to keep an open mind.  Don't be so limited that you foolishly reject salvation when it's given to you.  Who knows, perhaps thinking outside the box may turn out to be the best decision you ever made.
And as I'm lost in thought on a hot Summer day, here are some photos of Jewel Kilcher.

 Sir Elton John and Jewel Kilcher
 Neil Patrick Harris and Jewel Kilcher

 Leonard A. Lauder, Neil Patrick Harris and Jewel Kilcher
 Jewel Kilcher and current New York  governor Andrew M. Cuomo

 Jewel Kilcher

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