Friday, August 14, 2015


Annie Weatherwax's novel All We Had was about an unwed single mother of a thirteen year old girl who finds her daughter and herself homeless and unemployed during the Great Recession of the year 2008.  The unwed single mother Rita Carmichael (Played by Katie Holmes) and the thirteen year old daughter Ruthie Carmichael (Played by Stefania Owen) goes on a roadtrip (In the novel at least), the car breaks down (In the novel at least) and Rita finds herself working in a diner where a sleazy real estate agent tries to get her to purchase a house despite being a borderline homeless woman with no assets (In the novel at least).   It's a depressing story in which Katie Holmes convincingly plays a down on her luck borderline homeless woman trying to raise a child with hardly any income, hardly a permanent home and living in an economically deprived neighborhood (Filmed on location in Queens, New York City, New York).  All We Had is currently being filmed right now and will be released in movie theaters worldwide sometime next year 2016.  It's a gritty realistic film which will be enjoyed by everybody.
Stefania Owen and Katie Holmes playing a borderline homeless daughter and her mother
 Katie Holmes at the gas station

  Katie Holmes at an outdoor strip mall

Katie Holmes goes to Wallmart

 Stefania Owen and Katie Holmes goes to Wallmart
 Katie Holmes goes to Wallmart

 Katie Holmes and Stefania Owen goes to Wallmart

Katie Holmes goes to Wallmart

Katie Holmes and her biologic mother Kathleen Holmes at the gas station

Katie Holmes at the gas station

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