Wednesday, October 7, 2015


So the question is would I be willing to die for my beliefs? 
If I had to chose between dying for my beliefs or staying alive to see the next day, I'll chose to stay alive to see the next day. Dead bodies might make good martyrs, but dead bodies are useless when it comes to changing the system. A living person is much more effective in changing the system than a dead person. If you have to tone done your approach in order to stay alive long enough to change the system in subtle ways, then so be it. Not everything has to be a grand gesture of self sacrifice. The need to stay alive is just as crucial.
There is one factor that I didn't consider, but probably should've considered when I previously answered this question. Suppose I was enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. Keep in mind that I'm not enlisted in the actual United States Armed Forces. I'm just suggesting what would happen in case I were enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. Let's further ask what would happen if I were captured and tortured by enemy forces while fighting for the United States Armed Forces. I'm not captured nor do I intend to be captured nor do I intend to be tortured by enemy forces. But let's pretend that such a thing has happened. All I have to do for the torture to end is to give up United States of America military and political secrets. Do refuse such a request is to be tortured further and possibly even killed in the process. Would the need to protect United States of America military and political secrets be worth the sacrifice of my life? Yeah, that would be a different set of circumstances because dying for my beliefs would be unavoidable.
There would be one alternative though. One possibility involves turning the torture chamber device into a time travel machine and relived the previous forty-seven years of my life all over again while reincarnating/regenerating into a brand new physical body. Doing so would erase the dictatorship from existence since the Dictator was also my evil biologic son who I helped create life for by having sex with an Evil Ex-Wife from Heck in the Previous Version of Me, but not in the Reincarnated/Regenerated Version of Me. That's made possible since while the Previous Version of Me was stuck with an Evil Ex-Wife from Heck, the Reincarnated/Regenerated Version of Me never married. Keep in mind that even if the Reincarnated/Regenerated Version of Me had sex with the Evil Ex-Wife from Heck, the Evil Son from Heck Dictator who overthrows the United States still won't be born because the DNA in the Previous Version of Me isn't the same DNA in the Regenerated/Reincarnated Version of Me. As a result, the Dictator (Who was also my Evil Son from Heck) was never born thus the dictatorship was never created since the person who created the dictatorship no longer exists. Then the Reincarnated/Regenerated Version of Me falls in love causing my New Girlfriend to have a fist fight to the death with the Evil Ex-Wife from Heck killing the Evil Ex-Wife from Heck in tight fitting clothing with lots of really cool pornographic poses. Toss in some car chases, buildings blowing up, gun battles and lots of really cool stunts. Of course, an action/adventure story is never complete without a few really cool one liners. Aliens from an Alternate Reality invade the United States of America, but nobody has the courage to fight back because the Alternate Reality has a brand new form of energy that could render gasoline and nuclear radiation obsolete. Too bad the only Alternate Reality country that has such energy in abundance hates America and is invading with really cool high tech spaceships and really cool high tech weaponry which can be easily destroyed 100% by something as simple and basic as a mere snowplow. Toss in some spaceship battles in Earth, the Alternate Reality and in outer space too. Than an Evil Spaceship is discovered leading to the final battle aboard the Evil Spaceship and the Evil Space Station before finishing it all up on the planet Mars. Yeah, that's a possible solution. Then again, that would be leaving the field of reality and entering the field of science fiction/fantasy.
While I'm lost in thought on a warm Autumn afternoon, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Julianne Moore, Jessica Chastain, Alec Baldwin and his second wife Hilaria Baldwin

 Julianne Moore and Jessica Chastain

 Julianne Moore

Jessica Chastain

 Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Baldwin

 Ralph Lauren, Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Thomas Baldwin

 Ralph Lauren and Hilaria Baldwin

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