Friday, November 6, 2015


The Gentle Reader has been reading this manuscript for quite some time.  And I apologize to the Gentle Reader if these Internet blogs sounds sort of the same.  Not a lot happens to me.  It's such a calm and rather ordinary existence.  Not that I'm expecting something spectacular to happen.  Or rather I'm expecting something spectacular to happen.  It depends on if this something spectacular happens to be positive or if this something spectacular happens to be negative.  If something spectacular does happen, it's better if it's positive.  Nobody, myself in particular, desires tragedy.  Some folks engage in destructive behavior not because they enjoy tragedy, but foolishly expect to avoid tragedy.  Thankfully, destructive behavior isn't my thing.  I delight in avoiding drugs, avoiding gambling and limit alcohol to a minimum.  It's a calm ordinary existence and it's something I enjoy.
And as I'm lost in thought while sipping a late night mug of coffee, here are some photos of Jillian Murray.

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