Sunday, January 24, 2016


I looked at the calendar and noticed that it's January. Meaning that I'll be forty-eight years old on February 15, 2016 which also happens to be my birthday. January 2016 is moving closer towards it's conclusion to allow February 2016 the chance to take over. I keep telling myself that even though I'm forty-seven years old less than a month away from turning forty-eight, that I'm getting younger. Yeah, I know that's scientifically impossible. My fiftieth birthday on February 15, 2018 is getting closer and closer with each progressive year. It should be fun to see what the year 2018 is going to look like so I can talk all about it in this Internet blog. Stay tuned Gentle Reader, the best is yet to come.
And as I'm lost in thought in the freezing cold days of Winter, here are some photos of Kate Hudson.

 Kate Hudson and her step-father Kurt Russell (Kate Hudson is the biologic daughter of Goldie Hawn and Oliver Hudson)

Kate Hudson

InStyle Editorial Director Ariel Foxman, Kate Hudson and and InStyle publisher Patrick Connors
 Kate Hudson and InStyle Editorial Director Ariel Foxman
 Elon Musk and Kate Hudson
Alan Cumming and Kate Hudson

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