Tuesday, January 19, 2016


This is how you know if you have become famous.  Famous people are followed around by the Paparazzi.  The Paparazzi have this need to keep photographing famous people non-stop without hesitation or slowing down.  Really famous people are followed around by lots of Paparazzi taking photographs of them.  Mildly famous people are followed around by a small number of Paparazzi taking photographs of them.  Normal people who isn't famous isn't followed around by the Paparazzi who has no interest in taking photographs of them whatsoever.  So that's the way of knowing if you became famous in a nutshell.  Just count how many Paparazzi has this persistent need to keep snapping more photos of you than they could possibly have a need for.
And as I'm lost in thought during the freezing cold days of Winter, here are some photos of Winona Ryder. 

 The late Brittany Murphy (She died on December 20, 2009) and Winona Ryder

 Winona Ryder

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