Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Good news Gentle Reader, Anya Marina's fourth album Paper Plane will be released two days from now on January 29, 2016.  This would mean that Anya Marina has released four albums and two EP albums making it six releases overall.  And for those who enjoy Anya Marina albums, this is good news.  And for those new to Anya Marina, her fourth full length album is a great place to get started and become her newest fan.  Every song that Anya Marina has recorded are fun to listen to and she has filmed some really good music videos too.  The Gentle Reader will quickly realize that Anya Marina is a truly likeable woman with lots of talent.  The Gentle Reader will want to listen to Anya Marina's albums all day.  Anya Marina's newest album is fun to listen to on a freezing cold Winter day while sipping a steaming mug of coffee.



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