Friday, April 29, 2016


The Gentle Reader and I are only hours away from Saturday.  The Gentle Reader and I are only hours away from what Saturday has to bring.  Will the coming Saturday bring hope and optimism?  Will the coming Saturday bring despair and tragedy.  Obviously, it's my hope that the coming Saturday will bring hope and optimism.  I don't want despair and tragedy to define me.  I would like my life to be defined by more optimistic and much more life affirming aspirations.  So whatever happens isn't guided by predestination.  We guide our own fates and we determine the end result.  And with luck, the end result will be beneficial to us all.
And as I'm lost in thought during the warm days of the Springtime, here are some photos of Michelle Pfeiffer.

 David E. Kelley and his wife Michelle Pfeiffer

 Michelle Pfeiffer

Giorgio Armani and Michelle Pfeiffer

 Michelle Pfeiffer

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