Friday, May 27, 2016


 The divorce between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard continues to get nasty.  The divorce trial has no included accusations made by Amber Heard against her divorced ex-spouse Johnny Depp that he's guilty of assault and battery against her.  Amber Heard was so terrified of Johnny Depp's assault and battery attacks against her that she successfully filed a restraining order against him.  According to courtroom testimony in the divorce trial, Johnny Depp assault and battery attacks against her included a time he tossed his cell phone against her face while screaming against her at the top of his lungs on Friday May 20, 2016.  She even photographed bruises to prove Johnny Depp attacked her by tossing his cell phone against her.  The Los Angeles, California Police Department is investigating Johnny Depp's assault and battery attacks against Amber Heard.

Johnny Depp insisted that he couldn't have assaulted and battered Amber Heard by tossing his cell phone against her face while screaming against her at the top of his lungs.  Johnny Depp insisted that he was in Lisbon, Portugal attending a Hollywood Vampires (Alice Cooper's heavy metal band that Johnny Depp was a guitar playing member of) charity event benefitting Starkey Hearing Foundation.  There was even photographic proof that Johnny Depp wasn't even in the United States of America whatsoever on Friday May 20, 2016.  However, the Los Angeles, California Police Department is investigating Amber Heard's assault and battery accusation anyway despite the fact that he wasn't even in the United States throughout the entirety of Friday May 20, 2016.

So who is right?  Who is wrong?  And how did those assault and battery attack bruises ended up on Amber Heard's face?  We'll find out as Johnny Depp's marriage to Amber Heard continues to fall apart into tiny fragmented pieces.
Johnny Depp once went steady with Winona Ryder.  No assault and battery claims were filed by Winona Ryder against Johnny Depp during that period of time.
 Kate Moss also went steady with Johnny Depp once upon a time.  Kate Moss also never filed any assault and battery charges when her romance to Johnny Depp fell apart.
Vanessa Paradis went steady, but never married despite giving birth to both of his children between 1998 to 2012.  Vanessa Paradis never filed assault and battery charges against Johnny Depp.
Amber Heard had a bisexual romance with an artist photographer named Tasya van Ree before she got married to Johnny Depp for fifteen months (One year and three months).

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