Wednesday, May 11, 2016


And so I look out of the window.  I look at the ever changing world.  Nothing stays the same.  People change and evolve.  The world itself changes and evolves.  Yeah, it would be nice if everything stays the same, but it rarely works that way.  So does your friendship with somebody ends when either you, that person or the friendship itself changes?  Well, that shouldn't be an issue.  If the friendship was genuine, then the friendship should adapt to any and all changes.  And if your place in the world is valid, then your place in the world should be able to adapt to any and all changes.  It all depends on if the people you surround yourself with are interested in the friendship and yourself or if the people you surround yourself with are only interested in themselves and nothing else.  The first option is much more preferred when it comes to friendship.
And as I'm lost in thought while looking out of the window, here are some photos of Emily Mortimer.

 Alessandro Nivola and Emily Mortimer

 Emily Mortimer

Dolly Wells and Emily Mortimer

 Dolly Wells

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