Friday, May 20, 2016


It's hard to figure out the meaning of life.  The First Person has one version of the meaning of life.  The Second Person has a completely different version of the meaning of life.  And the First Person and the Second Person are willing to go to war to violently injure large scores of other people to defend their version of the meaning of life no matter what.  So which of the two versions of the meaning of life is the correct version of the meaning of life if both versions was the cause of a violent war?  And what happens if both versions of the meaning of life either ends with a horrible act of ethnic cleansing genocide at the end of times involving Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Seven Seals of Doom, the Seven Trumpets of Doom and Insects with Human Heads or ends with the human race ceasing to exist altogether?  Can't we have a meaning of life that doesn't end in either some Christian based ethnic cleansing hideous horrible war or end with Buddhist elimination of the entire Human Race to merge with the Supreme Spirit (Whatever that means).  So many wars can be prevented if we don't think of the meaning of life as something which needs to end in violence.  It's tempting to say that the actual meaning of life continues to elude our understanding.
And as I'm lost in thought as I try to figure out the meaning of life, here are some photos of Cara Delevingne.


 Poppy Delevingne and her sister Cara Delevingne
 Cara Delevingne and her sister Poppy Delevingne
 Poppy Delevingne

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