Thursday, June 30, 2016


You have the choice to self destruct and you have the choice to become a better person.  And when comparing the two options to guide your life by, it's far better to become a better person.  Self destruction not only hurts yourself, but self destruction hurts everybody and everything around you.  Becoming a better person not only strengthens yourself, but it strengthens everybody and everything around you.  It's easy to destroy, but it's hard to create.  That's because creation requires empathy.  It requires functioning as a small part of a larger collective whole.  But in the end, functioning as a small part of a larger collective whole is much more satisfying.  Because you won't need to be alone anymore.  And being alone is a fate that's worse than death.
And as I'm lost in thought during the warm Summertime evening, here are some photos of Lily Allen.

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