Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Continuing the misadventures of Anton Yelchin, Bryce Dallas Howard and Moon Bloodgood...
It didn't take long before the Police to arrive to see the legally dead body of Anton Yelchin pinned by his Jeep Cherokee to both his brick and stone mailbox and his now badly dented driveway gate. 
Police Officer #1:  What seems to be the trouble young ladies?
Bryce:  The gear shift for the Jeep Cherokee was both confusing and defective.  Moon and I were still in the house when the Jeep Cherokee suddenly went wild.  And after crashing backwards into the priceless Lamborghini Centenario lp770-4 twice before Anton got a hold of it."
Police Officer #2:  That doesn't explain how Anton Yelchin ended up legally dead.
Moon:  We were getting into that.  You see, Anton got out to survey the damage to his Lamborghini Centenario lp770-4 before the car developed a life of it's own.  Anton was chased by his own car down the steep driveway where he was struck and killed by his empty car.  That's why he's lying dead in such an awkward position.  Naturally, Bryce and I were grief stricken.
Bryce:  Moon and I were beside each other with sadness.  Moon and I were looking forward to this evening and now it's ruined.
Moon:  So that's what happened.
Bryce:  Moon and I spent hours with the makeup and lipstick with all these cool glittering dresses only to emerge from this house to this death scene.
Moon:  This is such a horrible thing.  It's going to be rough for Bryce to recover from this sort of thing.  This is going to take years of therapy to recover from.
Bryce:  Is there anything that Moon and I can help you out with Officer?
Police Officer #1:  That will be all.  It's an open and shut investigation.  Anton Yelchin getting struck by an empty car in his own driveway was a freak traffic accident that could've happened to anybody.
Police Officer #2:  So sorry for the inconvenience young ladies.  We'll get out of your way now.
Bryce:  That's ok, Moon and I are more than willing to help out.
Moon:  I guess Bryce and I can leave now.  You have our cell phones if you need to ask anymore questions.
Police Officer #2:  No more questions will be needed young lady.
Moon:  That's cool, have a good evening Gentlemen.
Bryce Dallas Howard and Moon Bloodgood walked towards their car and drove away into the night.
Director McG, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon Bloodgood, Anton Yelchin and Christian Bale

Bryce Dallas Howard, Christian Bale and former Japanese baseball player Kazuhiro Kiyohara

 Bryce Dallas Howard and Christian Bale

Bryce Dallas Howard

 Anton Yelchin and Moon Bloodgood

 Moon Bloodgood

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