Friday, June 17, 2016


Night is falling. Daytime is fading. The moon and the stars will soon be coming. I'm ready for the night. What should I do tonight. I mean, what should I do tonight beyond watching television. Or perhaps I'll sit on the rocking chair on the front porch and watch the activity with the neighborhood. Dinner have been cooked. Dishes will be needed to be washed soon. Perhaps I'll read a book. Or I'll figure out the jigsaw puzzle. Oh yeah, there's a lot for me to do tonight. Tonight has the potential of being a really good evening.
And as I'm lost in thought while it's late at night, here are some photos of Katie Holmes  on the set for the film shoot for All We Had.


Stefania Owen and Katie Holmes on the set for the film shoot for All We Had

 Katie Holmes on the set for the film shoot for All We Had

 Stefania Owen and Katie Holmes on the set for the film shoot for All We Had

Stefania Owen on the set for the film shoot for All We Had

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