Sunday, July 17, 2016


Oh how I take delight in the scorching hot Summer nights.  The scorching hot Summer nights is almost nearly as intoxicating as the scorching hot Summer days.  Yeah, I tend to avoid alcohol, but even I find the scorching hot Summer nights intoxicating all the same.  Take delight in the evening.  Have no fear.  Have no concern.  Have no regret.  The scorching hot Summer nights is there for the taking.  You just need to courage to step up and participate without reservation nor apology.  And when August starts a few days from now, you can say that the scorching hot Summer nights has reached a new level of brilliance never before seen in human history.  Summer continues with new and better levels of brilliance as the scorching hot Summer nights continue.
And as I'm lost in thought on the scorching hot Summer nights, here are some photos of Ariel Winter.


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