Wednesday, September 21, 2016


There is now way to avoid it.  Today is the last day of Summer.  Whatever needs to be done in the Summer 2016 that can't be avoided and can't be done any other season in 2016 has to be done today.  It will be considered too late to get started beyond today.  If Autumn 2016 isn't considered a worthy starting point, then 2016 will be remembered as a day on unproductivity.  But hey, the year 2017 is getting closer.  Perhaps 2017 will accomplish what the year 2016 has been unable to get started.  You simply need to wait a few extra months for Summer 2017 to start because Summer 2016 is a few hours away from being concluded forever.  Oh well, you might as well learn to live with it.  Gosh darn the luck y'all.
And as I'm lost in thought on the last day of Summer, here are some photos of Cara Delevingne.

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