Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Only fourteen more days until election day on November 8, 2016 in the United States of America.  Democratic Party Candidate for President of the United States Hillary Clinton is leading Republican Candidate for President of the United States Donald Trump in the Election Polls between five points to twelve points.  Still, Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton isn't going to let overconfidence ruin her lead.  The former First Lady of Arkansas, former First Lady of the United States, former Senator from New York and Former Secretary of State under President Barack Obama is married to Former Governor of Arkansas and Former President of the United States Bill Clinton.  Former President of the United States Bill Clinton was accused of adultery and groping women without permission and she's running against Donald Trump---The Chairman and President of the Trump Organization (Originally called Elizabeth Trump and Son) who is also accused of adultery and groping women without permission.  However, while Bill Clinton admitted adultery on television, Donald Trump refuses to admit guilt with regards to adultery and groping women without permission.
Hillary Clinton called upon rock star Katy Perry to help promote her candidacy for President of the United States.  Hearing Democratic Party Candidate for President Hillary Clinton's call for action to help get elected the first ever women President of the United States, Katy Perry paid a visit to the University of Las Vegas located in Paradise, Nevada.  And so begins an entire day of getting University of Las Vegas college students excited about voting for the Hillary Clinton and get college students excited about getting elected the first women President of the United States.

Miley Cyrus campaigns for Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton at George Mason University located in Fairfax, Virginia.

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