Monday, October 10, 2016


Nancy O'Dell with current Republican Party United States of America Presidential Candidate Donald Trump and his third wife Melania Trump.
 Former Access Hollywood host and current Today's Take portion of the Today Show anchor and Bush Family member Billy Bush and his former Access Hollywood co-host Nancy O'Dell.
I just saw the second 2016 United States of America Presidential Elections debates between Democratic Party Candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Party Candidate Donald Trump. After Donald Trump and Billy Bush (Former President of the United States George H. W. Bush's nephew and Former President of the United States George W. Bush's cousin, Former Head Anchor of Access Hollywood and Host of Today's Take, the third hour of the Today Show) making lewd remarks about Nancy O'Dell (Former co-host of Access Hollywood and co-host for Entertainment Tonight) eleven years ago on their way to the Donald making a cameo on a daytime soap opera. The Donald, along with Billy Bush playing along, also made lewd remarks about kissing without approval Days of Our Lives actress Arianne Zucker (Who plays Nicole Walker) who was requested to meet the two men outside the tour bus that the two men were traveling in at the time (This incident (Which the Donald and Billy Bush probably wishes never happened) happened on Unknown Day, Unknown Month, 2005) and lead them into the building so that the Donald can film his Days of Our Lives cameo.
Billy Bush has been suspended from the Today Show and the Donald's Presidential Campaign is in dire trouble with fellow Republicans abandoning him in larger numbers. Today's debate was an opportunity for the Donald to turn things around. Instead, it was the usual narcissistic scare tactics that the Donald have been using throughout his entire Presidential Campaign. Yeah, Hillary Clinton isn't perfect. But even with a womanizing adulterous former President of the United States spouse Bill Clinton still married to her, Hillary Clinton is still a lot more emotionally and psychologically stable acting. And we need an emotionally and psychologically stable person in the White House.
The fact that Donald Trump could act like this, not drop off the ticket and actually believes he's still qualified to be President of the United States because former President of the United States Bill Clinton's adultery and sexual harassment antics makes it ok for Donald Trump to do the same is shameful. The right thing for Donald Trump to have done was to drop off the ticket and let Indiana Governor and current Republican Vice President Candidate Mike Pence run the show for this month until November 8, 2016 instead. However, it would be much easier for Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton to become the next President of the United States if a moronic fool like Donald Trump continues to be the Republican Party candidate for President of the United States. So let the media circus continue.
There's one positive development from all this. Television reporter Billy Bush has been suspended from his current job at the Today's Take portion of the Today Show for making lewd remarks about his Access Hollywood co-worker at the time Nancy O'Dell with Corporate CEO and current Republican Party Candidate Donald Trump. The suspension is indefinite pending further review by NBC/Universal Board of Directors.
Nancy O'Dell was naturally horrified that her former Access Hollywood costar Billy Bush thought of her in that manner.  Still, Nancy O'Dell is a strong woman and she'll cope with it all the best way that she knows how.


 Joe Nichols, Kelly Coffey and Nancy O'Dell
 Billy Bush, Donald Trump and Days of Our Lives soap opera actress Arianne Zucker in the controversial news clip that's ruining the careers of Billy Bush and Donald Trump.

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