Thursday, October 27, 2016


And I stand in the middle of the grassy field.  I look at the surroundings.  There are a grove of trees just ahead over there.  I'll have to walk across the field used to grow corn just to reach the trees.  Not to worry, the corn has been harvested though I'm sure the Farmer will protest if I walk across the field.  Of course, there are some other way of reaching those trees over there.  Or perhaps I'll admire the trees from a distance.  Yeah, that's also possibility.  On second thought, it's Autumn and the Autumn chill is best enjoyed indoors.  Though it's tempting to stay outdoors a few minutes longer anyway.  It's hard to believe that it once felt like Summer and now it feels like Autumn.  It's the change of the seasons.  Soon it will be time for Winter and the snow will soon fall.
And as I'm lost in thought while listening to music from my compact disk player, here are some photos of Analeigh Tipton.

 Analeigh Tipton and Emile Hirsch

 Analeigh Tipton

 Yigal Azrouel and Analeigh Tipton

Analeigh Tipton

Zelda Williams and Analeigh Tipton

 Zelda Williams

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