Monday, October 17, 2016


You don't see a lot of Dandelion weeds in the Autumn.  Dandelion weeds only come out in the Springtime and early Summer.  Then you yank the Dandelion weeds out of the ground (Hopefully roots and all).  And you keep yanking Dandelion weeds out of the ground (Hopefully roots and all) to such an extent that by the time it's Autumn, there isn't much Dandelion weeds left.  So the amount of time yanking weeds from the ground in the Autumn doesn't take nearly so long because it was a gradual process throughout the entire year.  Don't make excuses why you can't start yanking Dandelion weeds out of the ground (Hopefully roots and all) near the start of Springtime like the Gentle Reader should.  Just get out there and start yanking and pulling until the Dandelion weeds is almost gone by Autumn.  You'll feel better about it in the long run because you have the courage to get started without excuses of any sort. 
And as I'm lost in thought during the opening days of Autumn, here are some photos of Jessica Biel.

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