Thursday, October 13, 2016


They say that it never got started.  But what if it did got started, but they refuse to admit that it got started.  Then it's not the Person's fault that it never got started, but it's their fault for refusing to believe that it's been functioning perfectly the whole entire time.  So who do the Person talk to try to convince them that it's been functioning perfectly the whole entire time.  It's not like there's a telephone number to call.  There's nobody to converse about this.  So how is the Person supposed to fix it when there's no telephone number to call, there's nobody to talk to about this and it's been functioning perfectly the whole entire time, but nobody is willing to admit that?  Just shrug your shoulders and say that the Person did all that's expected to do and there's nothing further to be done.  That's all there is to be expected to be done. 
And as I'm lost in thought during the opening days of Autumn, here are some photos of Emily Ratajkowski.

 Emily Ratajkowski and publisher Steve Shaw

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