Friday, October 21, 2016


Where did the Summer go?  It's no longer warm outside.  A light jacket is needed before venturing outside.  Maybe it's different out there in California.  However, I'm in the city of Columbus, Ohio.  I've been living in Ohio since 1990 and it looks as if I'll be living in Ohio for a few more years.  And it certainly feels more like Autumn here in Ohio.  It's not Winter yet, but the slight chill indicates that Winter won't be that far behind.  It's good weather for a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup as the Gentle Reader and I recollect all the magic and wonder of the Summer days gone by from Summer 2016 with the anticipation for Summer 2017.  The slightly chilly days of Autumn continues.
And as I'm lost in thought during the opening days of Autumn, here are some photos of  Selma Blair.

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