Monday, November 14, 2016


It's hard to tell what will happen four years from now in 2020.  Perhaps the Democrats will reclaim control over the White House.  Perhaps the Democrats will reclaim control over the Senate and the House of Representatives in 2020 as well.  I would like to think that I'll be in good health as well as being financially well off.  A lot can happen in four years.  Naturally, we all want the events that will occur four years from now to be positive.  Nobody looks at a dim apocalyptic future with enthusiasm.  And with luck, we will all turn out fine despite our shortcomings.  I can't wait to see what will happen four years from now.  The year 2020 could turn out to be a really fun year.
And as I'm lost in thought as I look out of the window, here are some photos of Stella Maxwell.

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