Saturday, November 19, 2016


Before making a move, make sure it's a move that you'll feel comfortable with having done in retrospect.  Because if it wasn't the type of move that you'll feel comfortable with having done in retrospect, then it's not the correct type of move.  Of course, we're assuming that the type of move that you feel comfortable with having done was of a legal nature.  If the type of move that you feel comfortable with having done was of an illegal nature, then that's a different set of issues altogether.  Of course, it's better to avoid doing stuff that's considered illegal.  It's far better to do stuff that's considered legal.  And illegal stuff is something that you won't (Or shouldn't) feel comfortable with having done in retrospect.  If doing illegal stuff is something that you feel comfortable with having done in retrospect, then you're even more messed up than I thought. 
And as I'm lost in thought in an introspective manner, here are some photos of Kristen Wiig.

 Kristen Wiig and Katherine Waterston

Kristen Wiig

 Katherine Waterston

 Benicio Del Toro and Katherine Waterston
Katherine Waterston

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