Wednesday, December 28, 2016


The above photograph is Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher from either the 1970's or the 1980's (Or somewhat close to it).  It was supposed to be an uneventful flight from London, England to Los Angeles, California after promoting her latest book The Princess Diarist. However, on December 23, 2016 she went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to the hospital. She went from critical condition to stable condition, but she never woke up. Carrie Fisher has died today from complications resulting from her cardiac arrest. Let's see, Star Wars Episode VI---Return of the Jedi was released in 1983 and Star Wars Episode I---The Phantom Menace was released in 1999. Between the two films was a massive sixteen year gap. Can you imagine how many Star Wars films could've been filmed in that massive sixteen year gap. One of the biggest tragedies about Carrie Fisher's death at age 60 on December 27, 2016 was that there should've been more Star Wars films featuring Princess General Leia Organa. Right now, there's only four films with Princess General Leia Organa while a possible fifth film has wrapped production and will be released December 2017. I thought Carrie Fisher was going to keep going all the way to age 100. However, fate had other intentions in mind so now we're stuck with what could've been, what should've been, what might've been and what will never be. Still, only four films and a possible fifth film on the way featuring Princess General Leia Organa is better than none. Plus, Carrie Fisher was a very busy actress. She wrote books, acted in films and worked as a script doctor. A year didn't go by when she wasn't working on a Hollywood project of some sort or another. The film industry lost a legend when Carrie Fisher died. The Star Wars films won't be the same again. And as I'm in grief over the loss of an iconic Hollywood legend, here are some photos of Carrie Fisher and her daughter Billie Lourd.

 Debbie Reynolds, her daughter Carrie Fisher and her granddaughter Billie Lourd

Bryan Lourd , his ex-wife Carrie Fisher and his daughter Billie Lourd
 Carrie Fisher and her daughter Billie Lourd

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