Sunday, December 11, 2016


Who knows what will happen in the future.  There is no such thing as predestination.  No future event is set in stone.  And if there is some all important manual that's a foolproof way of predicting the future, then there would be no such thing as surprises.  Because if there was an all important manual that's a foolproof way of predicting the future, then even the "Surprises" would be expected months in advance.  But nothing is expected and surprises are possible.  Which means, that since nothing in the future is set in stone, that anything is possible.  Any direction can be taken as long as it's legal and it doesn't disrupt a person's ability to function normally.  And with luck, everybody will have a future that's hopeful and life inspiring.
And as I'm lost in thought while it's late at night, here are some photos of Claire Danes.

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