Thursday, February 9, 2017


Will it snow today?  I'm not sure.  It snowed last night and it's not snowing now.  It's not predicted to snow today.  If it's not predicted to snow today, then perhaps it won't snow today.  Yeah, it's possible that snow won't fall today.  There isn't enough snow to build a snow person.  Yeah, snow did fall, but not much snow had fallen since Winter in Columbus, Ohio tends to be light.  But still, it's a delightful Winter landscape for however long that it lasts.  And I'm not sure how long the snow will last on the ground.  Perhaps the snow will last for the rest of the day.  Perhaps the snow will last for the week.  I'm not sure.  The Gentle Reader and I will find out in due time how long the snow will last on the ground.  Until then, enjoy the falling snow and enjoy the Winter.  And yes, it has been and will continue to be a delightful Winter day.
And as I'm lost in thought during the freezing cold days of Winter in Columbus, Ohio, here are some photos of Selena Gomez.

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