Sunday, February 19, 2017


Is it safe to assume that Winter has ended.  Or rather, is it safe to assume that Winter is over in Columbus, Ohio at the very least.  I'm not sure if Winter is over in other cities, but the snow has melted quite a while ago here in Ohio.  Then again, there really wasn't much snow to start with.  So it's hard to have an extensive Winter when the thin layer of snow that previously existed has already gone.  It's way too early to mow the lawn at any rate.  Just look out of the window and admire the landscape.  Just look out of the window and wait for the leaves to grow back on the trees.  Just look out of the window to admire the nighttime landscape of the suburbs spread out before me.
And as I'm lost in thought close to the end of Winter, here are some photos of Simone Biles and Alexandra Raisman.
Alexandra Raisman

Simone Biles

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