Friday, February 17, 2017


PERSON THAT I SAW WALKING DOWN THE STREET:  I've been abducted by Aliens From Outer Space.  Aliens From Outer Space has illegally immigrated from outer space without Green Cards and needs to be deported.
ME:  Well, the United States of America is the nation of immigrants. 
PERSON THAT I SAW WALKING DOWN THE STREET:  We'll argue about that later.  I need to tell you what the Aliens From Outer Space told me.
ME:  What did the Aliens From Outer Space told you?
PERSON THAT I SAW WALKING DOWN THE STREET:  The Aliens From Outer Space told me that the Fourth Coming of Jesus Christ will be the Son of a Janitor.  He will be spotted eating Tacos and he'll lead the Ninth Revolt of the Crusades.
ME:  There has been only one Coming of Jesus Christ.
PERSON THAT I SAW WALKING DOWN THE STREET:  That's what they lead you to believe.  Jesus Christ came to Earth fourteen times.
ME:  But you told me that the Fourth Coming of Jesus Christ is foretold by Aliens from Outer Space.  How can there be a Fourth Coming of Jesus Christ if there are fourteen incarnations of the guy?
PERSON THAT I SAW WALKING DOWN THE STREET:  There's Jesus Christ #0.1, Jesus Christ #0.2, Jesus Christ #0.3, Jesus Christ #0.4, Jesus Christ #0.5, Jesus Christ #0.6, Jesus Christ #0.7, Jesus Christ #0.8, Jesus Christ #1, Jesus Christ #1.5, Jesus Christ #2, Jesus Christ #3, Jesus Christ #3.5, Jesus Christ #3.6 and soon there will be Jesus Christ #4.
ME:  Your ability to perform math calculations is worse than my ability to perform math calculations. 
PERSON THAT I SAW WALKING DOWN THE STREET:  I have become a witness to the Gospel of Aliens From Outer Space who told me the truth through telepathy found in television shows and albums recorded by Frank Sinatra in cooperation with the Illuminati.  The Illuminati has been in cooperation with Aliens From Outer Space to produce the Fourth Coming of Jesus Christ who's Father will be a Janitor and his Mother shall hold the Bird of Temperance.
ME:  Good luck with that.
I walked one direction and the Person That I Saw Walking Down the Street walked the opposite direction.  I turned a corner and watched the Person That I Saw Walking Down the Street vanish from sight as I continued to walk down the street.
And as I'm lost in thought while it's cold outside, here are some photos of Christie Brinkley.

 Alexa Ray Joel, her mother Christie Brinkley and her sister Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook

Christie Brinkley

 Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook
 Christie Brinkley, Alexa Ray Joel and Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook

Christie Brinkley, Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook and Alexa Ray Joel

 Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook, Christie Brinkley and Alexa Ray Joel
 Alexa Ray Joel, Christie Brinkley and Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook

Christie Brinkley, Sports Illustrated Editor MJ Day and Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook
Christie Brinkley

Alexa Ray Joel

Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook

Christie Brinkley and Sailor Brinkley-Cook

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