Thursday, February 9, 2017


I turned on my laptop computer.  And then I switched on the world wide web Internet surfing computer program application.  And now that I'm online, it's time to check my twitter account.  Perhaps play Farmville on my Facebook account.  And after a quick trip to my Livejournal account, it's time to visit my Blogger account.  Let's see, what should we do now?  I found some exciting new photos.  I don't have the printer paper, a working printer nor the space to store such exciting photos. 
But I can't leave those photos out because exciting new prospects will fall apart if such photos is left out.  I got an idea.  Let's post those exciting new photos on this Blogger account.  It's going to be E-mailed and shared with the General Public anyway.  And to save some time and energy, let's post and publish the photos now.  Hey, I got enough free time and nothing else to fill up my free time with except to share these exciting new photos on my Blogger account. 
And as I'm lost in thought while typing on my laptop computer, here are some photos of Native American Indian (From the Choctaw and Cherokee tribes) fashion model Brenda Schad.

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